Opening Hours : Monday to Saturay - 10 Am to 5 Pm
The KLE society registered in 1916 is very different from what it was 87 years ago. Althouogh it is still secular and democratic in its principles,. it has come a long way from its traditional method of governance.
Our organisation has grown both substantially and geographically, We have, today, 167 institutions both in urban and rural areas through-out the country. These instituions are both professional colleges and general colleges in all spheres of human knowledge such as Medical, Dental, Nursing, Pharmacy, Ayurveda Medicine , Engineering, Law, Management, Agriculture and Teacher Education etc. Apart from these there are innumerable elementary and secondary schools, We also have two schools in Bangalore and New Delhi Which are international Schools.
With 400 crores in assets, we have become leaders, in setting new trends and standards in professional education and as a result our students are found in important positions all over the world. This also makes concentrate on transnationl perspectives of human needs and conditions.
Our educational instituions have evolved from simple academic system to intellectual collaboration with many reputed foreign Universities such of University of Illinois, University of Missouri, University of Sunderland and many more which are in the offing. All these collaborations are committed to areas from life sciences to engineering to clinical medicine, promising excellent contribution to human understanding and human well being. Our geographic expansion has continuously contributed to interdisciplinary intellectual development and collaborations.
Our Faculty exhibits a burning and a overwhelming desire to contribute profoundly to each generation in their specialized field and their expertise in it is commendable. Our students over 60,000 in number, representing different socio economic classes, states and nations are outstanding. Not only are they smart, talented and matured, but also committed to our organization and to their goals.
Today the KLE society visualizes 4 important areas: To improve standards in Teacher Education and elementary school education to accomplish a globally driven mission. To offer qulaity education in health scinece institutions and provide modern systems of health care in the remote parts of the country. To concentrate on the advancements in the field of aggriculture and for the uplift of the rural poor. To promote advanced research in the areas of Engineering and Technology to improve living standards of common man.
DR.PRABHAKAR B.KORE, M.P. Board of Management, K.L.E.Society, Belgaum.
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